Variant 5. SECTION 3. Version 14

Bilet ¹5, savol ¹3-14


The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is an adventure film that inspires you to step out of your comfort zone. The story follows Walter Mitty, a daydreamer who embarks on a real-life adventure to find a missing photograph. The film’s beautiful cinematography and picturesque locations add to the sense of adventure. Ben Stiller’s performance as Walter is both humorous and heartfelt. The movie encourages you to embrace life’s adventures and take risks. The uplifting message and the blend of fantasy and reality make it a memorable film. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is a delightful and inspiring adventure. The film's soundtrack perfectly complements its uplifting themes.

Ko'proq vazifalar

1 2-1 2-2 3 4-1 4-2


3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-8 3-9 3-10 3-11 3-12 3-13


Fan: Ingliz tili 11 sinf imtihon javoblari
Bilet: ¹105

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