Variant 5. SECTION 4. Version 18

Bilet ¹5, savol ¹4-18


Part 1

1. Do you like to watch films? Yes, I really enjoy watching films. They are a great way to relax and have fun.

2. What kinds of movies do you like best? I like action and adventure movies because they are exciting and keep me entertained.

3. Do you prefer foreign films or films made in your country? I prefer films made in my country because I understand the language and culture better.

4. How often do you watch films? I watch films about once a week, usually on weekends.

5. How often do you go to a cinema to watch a movie? I go to the cinema a few times a year, mainly for new releases.

6. Do people in your country like to go to a cinema to watch a film? Yes, many people in my country enjoy going to the cinema, especially with friends and family.

7. What was the first film that you watched? The first film I remember watching was "The Lion King." It was an amazing experience.

8. Do you like to watch movies alone or with your friends? I prefer watching movies with my friends because it’s more fun to share the experience.

9. Would you like to be in a movie? Yes, it would be really cool to be in a movie and see how everything is done.

10. What was the best movie you watched? The best movie I've watched is "The Avengers." It was full of action and had great characters.

Part 2

Describe a film/movie you would like to share with your friends.

The movie I would like to share with my friends is "The Greatest Showman." I watched it at home with my family. It’s a musical about the life of P.T. Barnum and his creation of the circus. I want to share it because it has amazing songs, great performances, and a wonderful message about believing in yourself and following your dreams. I think my friends would really enjoy it because it’s fun and inspiring.

Ko'proq vazifalar

1 2-1 2-2 3 4-1 4-2


3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-8 3-9 3-10 3-11 3-12 3-13


Fan: Ingliz tili 11 sinf imtihon javoblari
Bilet: ¹105

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