Read the text and find the correct answer.

Read the text and find the correct answer.
Brecon Beacons adventure weekend.
Students are going to the Brecon Beacons in Wales for our adventure weekend in May this year. The Brecon Beacons are mountains and the weather there can be sunny one minute and raining or foggy and cold the next. Please make sure that your son or daughter brings the right clothes. See the kit list below.
It’s important students don’t bring too many clothes because each group is going to carry everything they need for camping and cooking.
There are lots of different walks in the mountains. We know that some students don’t walk very much, so our walk over the two days is only 25 km long.
● Students spend Saturday and Sunday hiking.
● Students camp for one night, on Saturday.
● Students sleep in tents in groups of three or four.
We are travelling to the Brecon Beacons by bus. The bus leaves from the school on Saturday at 6 am and returns on Sunday at 8 pm. Please contact Mr Jones at the school if you have any questions or would like more information.
What is the purpose of the text?

A) To inform students about an adventure weekend in the Brecon Beacons
B) To provide information about the weather in the Brecon Beacons
C) To explain the different walks in the mountains
D) To give instructions on how to sleep in tents

Javob:   A

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