1. Read the text from a website, find and analyse which sentence is true?

Teenagers and food around the world

Kyoko, 15, Japan
I love fast food like burgers and pizza and most of my friends are the same. When we meet up at the weekends, we often go to the shopping mall and have a burger and fries. My parents are more traditional though and we still like to have fish, rice and vegetables when we’re at home.

Brad, 16, USA
I do a lot of sports so I’m always hungry. I know it’s important to eat healthily when you’re exercising so I try to have lots of fresh stuff and pasta for energy but I like fast food too. What teenager doesn’t?! I know a lot of people think we eat too much here in the States but I don’t think that’s true.

Joanna, 14, England
I come from a big family and it’s a tradition in our house that we all get together for Sunday lunch. My mum’s a brilliant cook and she usually does a roast: chicken, beef or lamb. I’m a vegetarian though so she has to do something different for me, but I love all the delicious roast potatoes and fresh vegetables!

Giulia, 16, Italy
I love cooking, especially pasta dishes. Pasta is always much better at home than in a restaurant. And it’s so easy and quick. My favourite is spaghetti with olive oil and lots of pepper. It sounds boring but it’s delicious.

Kai, 15, Germany I grew up in Spain because my dad worked there for a few years and that’s where he met my mum, so we don’t eat typical German food at home. We have more fish than meat and more rice than potatoes.

A. Kyoko says that young people in Japan eat fish and vegetables.
B. Brad doesn’t think Americans eat more than they should.
C. Joanna enjoys a healthy diet.
D. Giulia likes cooking pasta with meat.

B. Brad doesn’t think Americans eat more than they should.

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