15. (M) Read the text and choose the right answer True, False or Not given.

The Dubai Mall is in the United Arab Emirates. It opened in 2008 and now has more than 1,200 shops. There are 200 restaurants as well. Families can spend time in the shopping centre because there are a lot of activities for young people. One of the best places to go is the aquarium. You can stand in a tunnel under the water and see the fish swimming above you, or you can ride in a boat with a glass bottom and see the fish underneath you. Another great place for teenagers is Kidzania. This is a little city where you can try different jobs. You can be a dentist, a police officer or work in a restaurant or a supermarket. You sell and pay for things with special money. It’s a great place!
Families can spend time in the clothes shop because there are a lot of activities for children.
a) true
b) false
c) not given

b) false

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