1. What technology do you often use, computers or cellphones? I often use my cellphone more than my computer. It’s always with me, making it convenient for communication, social media, and quick internet searches.
2. What electronic devices have you bought lately? Recently, I bought a new pair of wireless earbuds. They are great for listening to music, podcasts, and making hands-free calls.
3. Is there any technology you want to buy? I’m considering buying a smartwatch. It would help me track my fitness activities, monitor my health, and stay connected without always having to check my phone.
4. Is technology important in your life? Yes, technology is very important in my life. It helps me stay connected with friends and family, enhances my productivity, and provides endless entertainment.
5. Is there any technology you don’t like? I’m not particularly fond of VR headsets. They can be disorienting and uncomfortable to use for extended periods.
Describe your favourite gadget. You should say: My favorite gadget is my smartphone. I got it about a year ago. I use it multiple times a day for various tasks such as communication, entertainment, and productivity. It’s important to me because it’s multifunctional and keeps me connected with the world. It also helps me manage my daily schedule and access information quickly.
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