Bilet ¹3, savol ¹3-2
When I saw the photograph, I knew I had to do something. It showed my childhood home, now dilapidated and overgrown with weeds. Memories of laughter and warmth flooded back, but seeing it in such a state broke my heart. I decided to restore it. Gathering tools and materials, I spent weekends repairing the roof, painting walls, and planting flowers. Slowly, the house regained its charm. Neighbors joined in, and together, we revived the old house and the community's spirit. By the end of summer, the house stood proudly, a symbol of renewed hope and unity. The photograph became a reminder of what determination and teamwork could achieve. It was truly a labor of love and nostalgia.
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Ingliz tili 11 sinf imtihon javoblari
Bilet: ¹103
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