Bilet ¹3, savol ¹4-4
1. What technology do you often use, computers or cellphones? I often use my cellphone because it’s more portable and I can use it anywhere.
2. What electronic devices have you bought lately? I bought a new smartwatch recently. It helps me track my fitness and notifications.
3. Is there any technology you want to buy? I’m interested in buying a new high-performance gaming PC.
4. Is technology important in your life? Yes, technology plays a significant role in my life for learning, communication, and entertainment.
5. Is there any technology you don’t like? I’m not very fond of smart home devices because I find them unnecessary.
Describe your favourite gadget. You should say:
My favorite gadget is my gaming console. I got it two years ago. I use it several times a week to play games and watch movies. It’s important to me because it provides a fun way to relax and connect with friends online.
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Ingliz tili 11 sinf imtihon javoblari
Bilet: ¹103
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