Bilet ¹3, savol ¹4-12
1. What technology do you often use, computers or cellphones? I frequently use my cellphone because it’s convenient for quick communication and browsing.
2. What electronic devices have you bought lately? I recently bought a new fitness tracker. It helps me keep track of my physical activity and health.
3. Is there any technology you want to buy? I’d like to buy a new DSLR camera to improve my photography skills.
4. Is technology important in your life? Yes, technology is very important for keeping in touch with friends, learning, and entertainment.
5. Is there any technology you don’t like? I’m not a fan of robotic vacuum cleaners. They can be noisy and get stuck often.
Describe your favourite gadget. You should say:
My favorite gadget is my e-reader. I got it last Christmas. I use it almost every day to read books and comics. It’s important to me because it’s lightweight, portable, and can store thousands of books, making it easy to carry my library wherever I go.
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Ingliz tili 11 sinf imtihon javoblari
Bilet: ¹103
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